Community Celebration to be held September 29th at the Agency’s New Housing Facility and Offices in Hickory, NC.
September 2018 / Taylorsville/Hickory, NC—Renowned home furnishings brand Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams will announce its commitment to donate $100,000 to the Capital Campaign of Exodus Homes at a Community Celebration on September 29, from 10am-12pm. The celebration will be at the agency’s new building, located at 610 4th St. SW in Hickory. Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams contribution gives them the naming rights.

The new building of Exodus Homes at 610 4th St. SW in Hickory features colorful murals inside and out that celebrate the non-profit’s vital work.
“We have so many stores and buildings with our name on it (smile) we decided we wanted to select a name that would have a wide range of meanings. In collaboration with the Exodus board and clients we’ve decided to call the building “Transformation Station” to represent a key stop on a new path to success for those in the agency’s programs. We also know from personal experience, working with and helping Exodus is transformative for every individual.”
Exodus Homes, an award-winning faith-based United Way agency that welcomes ALL people, provides supportive housing for homeless recovering people returning to their community from treatment programs and prison.
The furniture giant has a long-standing relationship with the organization which has included financial support, furniture donations, and employment opportunities for the residents of Exodus Homes. “We think it’s so important to give back to our community in which our business and families are located. We hope our donation will challenge others in the community to give generously and help strengthen this important organization,” said Bob Williams, Co-Founder and President of Design.
The new building is a 12,000 square foot facility that will house the offices of Exodus Homes, the offices of its vocational training program Exodus Works, a thrift store, an education center, meeting rooms, a nonprofit sharing center and areas for records and donation storage. It will help Exodus consolidate management activities and give the organization a higher level of visibility and accessibility for the public.
The building itself is a bright spot in the community with large, colorful murals inside and out that celebrate the nonprofit’s vital work.
Exodus Homes was founded in 1998 in response to the growing number of homeless people in Catawba County because of laws and policies that deny housing and employment to people recovering from addiction or returning from incarceration. It primarily serves people from Catawba County and Western NC.
“Exodus Homes is such an important organization here in Hickory. It helps many who at times are unable to help themselves, don’t have a strong personal support system and assists in giving them a fresh start,” said Mitchell Gold, Co-Founder and Chair-man of Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams. “They should be incredibly proud of all they’ve accomplished; of all the people they’ve given more than hope to. Their new facilities will enable them to do even more!”
Based in Taylorsville and Statesville, NC Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams has a modern manufacturing and distribution center spanning close to one million square feet that supports the brand’s expanding retail, wholesale, office and contract/hospitality sectors. The company partners with the agency’s vocational training program, Exodus Works, by placing residents of Exodus Homes in training positions in both locations that can lead to full time employment.
Many consumers know the brand’s furnishings and philosophy of comfort from its extensive coverage in national and regional media. The company offers many employee- and family-friendly benefits that help attract top talent, including a not-for-profit, education-based on-site childcare center and a health-conscious gourmet café run by the company’s corporate chef at its headquarters. The company also provides a gym, health fairs, an on-site nurse, and college scholarships for children of employees.
“The community celebration on September 29 will include tours of the building and identify areas named by major donors as well as announce the total amount raised to date in the Exodus capital campaign,” said Rev. Susan Walker, assistant executive director of the organization. Hal Rowe, WHKY radio talk show host will be the emcee for a short program at 11:00am with a ribbon cutting and remarks by Hickory Ward 4 Alderman David Williams and Hickory Mayor Hank Guess.
For more information about Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams contact Samantha Jacobson or 646-272-8432. For more information about Exodus Homes or the community celebration on September 29 contact Rev. Susan Walker at 828-962-8916.