Program Info

Exodus Homes Program Application

The application for Exodus Homes is in a .pdf file so you can download it, fill it out, fax it, mail it, or bring it to Exodus Homes in person. Click the link above to download the file. Applications may be faxed to 828-324-7983, Attention: Catie Lawson. If you do not have Adobe Reader, which will allow you to open this “Application” file, click on the button below for a free download:

2024 Application

Revised Manual – March 2024


Applicants who do not disclose mental health or medical diagnoses on their application may be subject to discharge from the program. 

New admissions will be drug screened upon admission to the program. For the first two to four weeks of the program, new residents will be placed in the day program, where they will attend three meetings a day on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, as well as four meetings a day on Tuesday and Thursday. Upon completion of the day program, residents will be screened for placement in the Exodus Works vocational training program. 


1.  Residents will volunteer in our vocational training program Exodus Works for 90 days to six months either with one of our corporate sponsors or in our enterprises which includes moving, landscaping, cleaning, painting, and general labor. During this phase, residents exchange their volunteer labor in Exodus Works for all the services they are receiving which include fully furnished housing, all utilities, free wifi and laundry; transportation, case management, access to medical care, food and clothing; recovery programs, and vocational training. employment. services, and opportunities to grow spiritually.  People on disability will be offered volunteer opportunities in the program. Residents must participate fully in the supportive housing recovery program, and everyone must work. Residents who decline participation in faith-based activities will be offered other activities equally valuable to their recovery. 

2.  Our recovery program includes regular attendance in 12-step recovery groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, or Narcotic Anonymous as well as special groups including Peer Support Group, Ex-Offenders Anonymous, Real Talk Recovery and Relapse Prevention, and other open discussion groups.

Residents are encouraged to get 12-step sponsors and work the 12 Steps.

Some residents are referred for outpatient substance abuse treatment or outpatient mental health treatment on a case-by-case basis.

3.  Residents can also attend life skills groups such as Financial Literacy, Adult Basic Education, Parenting, and Safe Sex Practices.

4.  Leadership development is encouraged and specialized training is offered on an individual basis.

5.  Residents are encouraged to work a faith-based program by attending worship services and Bible Study groups, but residents who decline participation in faith-based activities will be offered alternative activities of equal value to their recovery.

6.  Exodus programs encourage a holistic approach to recovery from addiction and incarceration. All residents are expected to volunteer in the program and community as a way of giving back in their recovery. We offer opportunities for recreation, discovering new leisure skills, and developing individual gifts and talents.

7.  Residents are expected to abide by program guidelines at all times. Residents can be asked to leave if they are not willing to work an honest program, or for chronic behavior problems. 

8.  Length of stay is individualized, but we do encourage residents to stay one year for best results.

9.  Residents are required to submit to and pay for random and planned drug and alcohol tests. Refusal to take a random or planned drug and alcohol test is considered an admission of using. Use of drugs or alcohol will result in immediate dismissal from the program. Residents who relapse and wish to return will work with the Rev. Longcrier on a reentry plan.

10.  Residents are expected to keep their housing units clean and share chores with their roommates.

11.  Parents with children are totally responsible for their care and supervision when visiting.

12. Medically Assisted Recovery is available to residents who have been referred from a detox program, outpatient treatment program, jail, or prison with a recommendation that medically assisted treatment is needed. This recommendation must be included in the application packet from the referral agent. Acceptance into the Exodus Homes Medically Assisted Recovery program will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.    


Counselors from treatment centers or programmers from correctional facilities, and/or should contact us via the “Contact Us” tab at the top of the website. Catie Lawson will work with the application all the way to admission. We prefer for referrals to come from professionals working with an applicant, someone who has access to the records we will need, particularly documentation of homelessness. Individuals who do not have a counselor or programmer may still contact Ms. Lawson through the “Contact Us” tab and she will determine if the application is appropriate. Our admission criteria include:

  1. Documentation of homelessness.
  2. Proof of COVID-19 vaccination, or be willing to get vaccinated, before entering the program.
  3. Successful completion of an inpatient substance abuse treatment program, an intensive outpatient substance abuse program, or other similar approved programs OR 
  4. Applicants released from correctional facilities will be considered if they have been actively involved in Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, DART, or Chapel services and are referred by a representative of the facility where they served time, OR 
  5. Successful completion of a faith-based substance abuse program, OR 
  6. Referred by a homeless shelter with significant clean time, and a fervent desire to work a recovery program, OR 
  7. Have a substantial amount of clean time, and actively participate in Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics, Anonymous, church, OR
  8. Referred upon successful completion of a detox program
  9. Applicants should have a photo I.D., but not a requirement.
  10. Applicants must be able to self-administer their medication. Applicants who cannot self-administer their medication will not be accepted. Applicants taking benzodiazepines will not be accepted.
  11. Convicted sex offenders, or those who have a history of sex-offending behavior, will not be accepted.
  12. People with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and schizoid type should not apply.  We are not a good fit if the primary issue is severe and profound mental illness. Dual diagnosis is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 


Supervised Independent Living
This component is for all residents and provides the structure and close supervision residents need in sequential levels to successfully work a recovery program so they can maintain their sobriety. The program also includes services to help them grow spiritually in the faith of their choice, find employment, learn budgeting skills, learn social skills, learn computer literacy, and access all the services they need to help them resolve problems in life. Residents who decline participation in faith-based activities are offered other activities that are equally valuable to their recovery.

Prison Ministry and Post-Incarceration Aftercare
Exodus Homes provides outreach into prisons and jails to help inmates change while incarcerated and be more receptive to supportive housing as a re-entry plan. Individuals coming from jail or prison may be referred with, or without, a substance abuse history. The supportive housing program provides services that ensure residents abide by their conditions of probation, intensive probation, or parole.

Family Preservation/Family Reunification
We primarily serve individuals while emphasizing services and outreach that will foster family preservation and family reunification. Most reunifications will occur after graduation, but occasionally children are reunited during placement if that is the most appropriate option. Children are allowed to visit their parents in the program, and can even spend the night when approved by our staff.

Exodus Works
Exodus Works is the vocational training program of Exodus Homes and is a drug-free, supervised, labor force with transportation that provides vocational on-the-job training for our residents in a variety of social enterprises that generate revenue to support our programs. Exodus Workers are here to serve the community while learning job skills that prepare them for competitive employment.


Applicants who meet our admission criteria are admitted regardless of their ability to pay.

Residents working in our vocational training program Exodus Works do not pay fees. They can receive tips or training stipends to help them pay for personal needs.

Program fees are paid every week by those who are working for employers in the community. The program fee includes supervised supportive housing, all utilities, food, clothing, transportation to recovery programs and church activities, case management, and the job search process.

Applicants working in the community are expected to pay 70% of their income up to a maximum of $175 per week if we do not provide transportation back and forth to work, or $200 per week if we do provide transportation back and forth to work for a five day work week.

Residents on disability pay $600 per month for their program fees.

Residents pay $15 for random drug or alcohol tests and for tests given when they return from passing out of the program. Residents may pay varying amounts for fines that occur as a consequence of problem behavior.

Transportation fees for out-of-county court appearances will vary and will be determined on an individual basis.