Rev. Bob Thompson and Rev. Reggie Longcrier Exchanged Pulpits!
On Sunday April 25, 2010, the Rev. Bob Thompson, senior pastor of Corinth Reformed United Church of Christ, and the Rev. Reggie Longcrier, senior pastor of Exodus Missionary Outreach Church did something rare – they exchanged pulpits for the day across denominational and cultural lines. The two have been friends for years, and both believe churches need more unity in the community. The two churches are quite different. Corinth is primarily white, and somewhat conservative theologically. Exodus is more diverse racially, with strong African-Amercian roots and is theologically liberal. Despite their differences, both congregations gave a warm welcome to their guest preacher, and the day was a success in both churches.
Rev. Longcrier’s sermon at Corinth was “Let’s Go A Little Futher”, emphasizing that congregations need to move beyond the cultural barriers that keep people of faith divided. “It was a cultural ground-breaking experience, socially edifying for me and my congregation. For years, Bob has been a friend who has been open to go a little bit futher. Even when we see things differently, we’ve always managed to find common ground.That’s what friendship is all about”, said Longcrier.
The two churches have plans to come together as one on Wednesday June 2, 2010 for an evening of fellowship and music at 6:00pm at Corinth Church. Both congregations will bring covered dishes for a pot luck supper, choirs from both churches will share their music, and several Exodus Homes’ residents will give brief testimonies. It is the start of a beautiful partnership, and they foresee more opportunities to come together in the future.
For more information about the pulpit exchange, or the 6:00pm June 2, 2010 joint fellowship at Corinth Reformed United Church of Christ, please contact the Rev. Bob Thompson or the Rev. Reggie Longcrier.