Exodus Works Thrift Store Needs Donations!

510 1st Ave. SW, Hickory, NC 28602

The Exodus Works Thrift Store is now open and needs your help. The store helps provide vocational training for the residents of  Exodus Homes, a United Way agency that provides faith – based supportive housing for homeless recovering people. Revenue from the  Thrift Store is urgently needed because Exodus Homes’ operating budget  has lost over $233,000 since 2008 due to high unemployment of our residents plus budget cuts from United Way, Mental Health, Catawba County ABC Board, and other funders. Exodus Works is the social enterprise of Exodus Homes and creates jobs for our residents in landscaping, moving, odd jobs, and car detailing services. It is  doing well,  but not growing fast enough to support the housing program which is struggling to survive. The Thrift Store is a recent addition and donations of all kinds are needed.

We need new and gently used clothing, furniture, household items, appliances, and electronics.  Tax deductible donations can be brought to the warehouse Monday – Saturday from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Donations scan be picked up  on Mondays and Saturdays by calling  Rev. Susan Smith 828-962-8196

We also need customers! Our store is a pleasant place to shop for great bargains, and we have bi-lingual staff for Latino people. Please help us spread the word! For more information about Exodus Homes contact Rev. Susan Smith at 828-962-8196, susansmith@charter.net, or go to www.exodushomes.org.