Exodus Missionary Outreach United Church of Christ
25th Anniversary Celebration Service
Sunday July 17, 2022 at 3:00pm
1763 Highland Ave NE Hickory, NC 28601
On July 6, 1997 Rev. Reggie Longcrier followed a call from God to found a multi-ethnic inner city ministry reaching out to the least of these. The new church met in the Dirk M. Thompson Mortuary chapel where Rev. Longcrier cast a vision for a great ministry that would have three components – the church, a supportive housing program for homeless recovering people, and an active prison ministry that would become known as “The Exodus Movement”. Fast forward 25 years and today all those dreams have come true. Exodus Missionary Outreach United Church of Christ is a thriving church with two services in their own church home, Exodus Homes is now a United Way award winning supportive housing program, and incarcerated people are an outreach priority in the Exodus ministry.
The public is invited to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Exodus Missionary Outreach United Church of Christ Sunday July 17, 2022 at 3:00pm at 1763 Highland Ave NE in Hickory 28601. Mayor Hank Guess will read a proclamation honoring what the Exodus ministry has meant to the City of Hickory as well as other special guests from the City and community. The Exodus gospel choir will sing, and the speaker for the celebration service will be Dr. Clinton A. Feemster, a dynamic speaker, and is Pastor of Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church in Bessemer City, NC. Dr. Feemster is a purple heart VietNam Veteran who has traveled the world and will speak to the power and success of the Exodus ministry.
A time of light refreshments and fellowship will follow the service and all are welcome to attend. For more information contact Rev. Susan Smith 828-962-8196 or revsusansmith@gmail.com. This article appeared in the Hickory Daily Record.